San Diego State University and NASA provide comprehensive information on volcanic eruptions with illustrative diagrams and photos.
The site is set in frames with consistent backgrounds and some stunning photos. To view the animations, users must have QuickTime.
The site contains an index of six major topics with subtopics. The index remains in the left frame, making the site user friendly. Visitors who have limited knowledge of volcanoes should progress through the topics in the order in which they are listed.
This is the place for you and your students to go for anything you ever wanted to know about volcanoes. Visitors will find informative articles and answers to any questions. This comprehensive resource offers information on six major topics: Eruption Dynamics, Volcanic Landforms, Eruption Products, Eruption Types, Historical Eruptions, and Volcanism on Other Worlds. Each section includes photographs, diagrams, movies, and interactive quizzes to further understanding. Included are a volcano crossword puzzle and a comprehensive topical index of links for further research.