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October 2000

Endangered Earth

Endangered Earth is a source of information, pictures, and videos about many endangered species.

This site has a classy layout and graphics but users will have to contend with banner ads. Windows Media Player is necessary for viewing the video clips.

Each section is accessible from the main page. Each section has a separate side menu, and each page links to the home page.

Raise students' environmental consciousness with a visit to Endangered Earth. Journalist Craig Kasnoff explores a different endangered animal each week in his Endangered Earth Tour. The tour currently features animals of North America. The Journal Entry includes information about the animal of the week and how people can help protect it. Archives of featured animals of Asia and Africa are available. Imagine Animals, an image gallery, and Endangered TV, videos of animals, could be used as great discussion starters for young students or as a source of free pictures for older students working on reports. Included are current news and a list of agencies that work toward preserving vanishing species.