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April, 2009

Raptors in the City
View peregrine falcons from a webcam on the 12th floor of a Cleveland skyscraper.
Grade Level: Pre-K-2, 3-5


This site connects students with nature through technology by guiding students through nesting season (late February-July) as they watch the still rare falcons live via a camera mounted on a skyscraper.
The site has links listed on the front page, as well as a top navigation bar with links to more information. The main feature of the site is the live webcam mounted on the 12th story of a skyscraper.

Everyone will enjoy watching and learning about the peregrine falcon through the Raptors in the City site. There is a fee for program materials for ages 7-11, but the site can certainly inspire teachers and students to do their own study. There has been a falcon nest on the 12th floor of a skyscraper in Cleveland, Ohio, since 1991, and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History provides the FalconCam as a community service. Included at the site is background information, still pictures, the live feed from the webcam, and a free Falcon Flash e-newsletter that provides guided commentary from the nest site.


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