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Teachers on Target
This professional development site provides activities to help educators improve their job skills.
Grade Level: Professional


This professional development site for teachers provides on-the-job activities that will help them gain a better understanding of their teaching skills, as well as, appreciate the depth and range of what it means to be a teacher.
The site is well organized with links to the main sections at the top right of the front page. The various sections of the site also are featured in the main body of the front page with a synopsis of whats inside.

Teachers on Target is a great site for teachers or administrators looking to hone their skills. The content is grouped into four categories: Professional Development Activities, Classroom Activities, Activities for Administrators, and Collegial Circles. Teachers will find professional development activities on a wide range of topics including classroom management, discipline, planning, knowledge building, professional strengths and others. Each topic includes a collection of activities that teachers can use in a variety of ways to improve teaching competence, build collegiality, and better understand the art of teaching. Classroom activities include a host of strategies that can be used in any classroom to keep students engaged in learning. Teachers also are encouraged to contribute their own ideas. Administrators will find a list of self-directed exercises, which can be incorporated into their daily routines, that will help them become stronger leaders. Included in the materials is a seven-step process for implementing collegial circles that will develop and encourage those ever important professional connections that provide support for teachers in the workplace.


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