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The Academy of Achievement
From Rosa Parks to Yogi Berra, a catch-all hall of fame..
GRADE LEVEL: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


The Academy of Achievement Website features profiles of some of the world’s greatest thinkers and achievers who have shaped our world today. It includes photos, video and audio files.


The site is well organized with a top navigation bar that leads to the five main areas. Other means of navigation from the main page are the drop down menu of achievers, the search tool, site map, and the listing of achievers by category


Looking for some real inspiration to help your students to succeed? Look no further, this site delivers! The Academy of Achievers pays tribute to the people who have made significant contributions to the arts, business, public service, science and exploration, and sports. The Achiever Gallery includes photographs, biographies, profiles, interviews complete with video and audio of such notables as Mikhail Gorbachev, former Premier of the Soviet Union; Henry Kissinger, Nobel Prize for Peace; Rosa Parks, pioneer of Civil Rights; Jonas Saulk, developer of the polio vaccine; and Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra, New York Yankee catcher. Additionally, students can find famous people who have the same interests as they do, peruse a booklist of books that provided inspiration to these achievers and explore a long list of careers. The Keys to Success explores the core principles that helped shape their lives. The teacher area provides lesson plans for grades 4-12. Lessons are grouped by the five areas of achievement and include standards, student materials, teacher facilitation guides and other resources.


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