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February 2005

Elementary Art Lesson Plans
Enjoyable art lessons from a retired teacher.
Grade Level: Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

As the name suggest this site offers elementary art lessons from retired teacher, Sandy Meadors, who has twenty nine years of experience working with elementary students in the art classroom. The lessons are written for elementary students but could also be used for middle and high school students.
The site is well designed and easily navigated. Links to the three main areas of the site are on the main page and each internal page has links at the bottom to move back to the homepage or to the next section.

Teachers looking for fresh ideas for their art classes or just a fill in activity for that rainy day will find lots of help here. The lessons are grouped into two categories: Hands on Art and Computer Art. The Hands on activities include watercolor strawblowing, crayon etching, stitchery, paper mache, clay and more. Computer Art introduces children to using the computer to create such masterpieces as valentines, quilts, landscapes, tessellation and much more. Included is a computer graphics vocabulary list. The lessons are written for a variety of classroom computer setups but can be adjusted for individual situations. Each lesson has stated goals and objectives and includes vocabulary words, materials, evaluation and higher order thinking questions. Additionally, teachers will find art recipes, technology tips, clipart, handouts and templates and other useful resources.


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