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The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction
Graphic look at how drugs affect the brain.
Grade Level: 9-12

This site is a curriculum module from the National Institute of Health that explores the fundamentals of neurobiology and how drug abuse can change the brain.
The site has a simple design and is easily navigated. Sections of the module are listed as a table of contents on the main page. Sections are also named in the top navigation bar on each page. Videos include a closed captioned version to make them accessible to everyone. QuickTime and Macromedia Flash are required.

This curriculum module includes everything a teacher needs to teach students about the fundamentals of neurobiology and how drug abuse can change the brain. It also stresses that drug addiction is a treatable, chronic brain disease. Topics include localization of brain function; general functions of specific brain areas; anatomy of the neuron; neurotransmission; mechanism of drug action on neurons; genetic, behavioral, and environmental influences on drug addiction; and addiction as a chronic disease. The integrated lessons are standards based and include assessment tools, handout masters, background information and additional references and resources. The Web-based student activities include mini-documentaries, animations, and interactive activities such as Looking at the Human Brain; How Neurotransmission Works; How Does Cocaine Alter Neurotransmission; Long Term Effects of Drugs on the Brain; Dealing with Chronic Disease; and much more.


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Updated 2009