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Good Character.com
Character education for elementary, middle, and high schools.
Grade Level: Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


This award-winning character education Web site is filled with valuable free resources that help children grow both emotionally and ethically. The lesson plans, guides, and essays are designed to help children want to make good choices in their lives.
The top navigation bar offers access to the main areas of this well-organized site. The areas have a variety of layouts but each provides a menu for the content in that section and the navigation bar at the top of the pages remains consistent. Features are also highlighted in the text of the main page.

Whether you are an educator looking to implement a character education curriculum for the first time or a veteran looking for fresh ideas and materials, or any teacher wanting to help children want to make better choices in their lives, this is the site for you! There is a wealth of useful free resources here that include K-12 lesson plans, a how-to guide to service learning, essays on using the Socratic method in the classroom, and topics for productive ethical discussions with children. Teaching guides are grouped by elementary, middle, and high school and offer discussion questions, writing assignments, and student activities for teachers to use in creating their own unique lesson plan. Teachers will also find a service learning manual and examples of service learning projects that teach kids academic content in a real life context. Additionally there are tools to help coaches make the most of their character building potential in sports, character building activities for student involvement, ethics in the workplace scenarios for students to discuss, facilitation techniques for the teacher, links to other related resources and much more.


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Updated 2009