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January 2004
Updated July 2009

Maggie's Earth Adventures
Appealing cartoon character leads kids on educational virtual treks.
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5, 6-8

Maggie's Earth Adventures features animated lessons on environmental issues and interdisciplinary lesson plans for elementary and middle school.
This "Flashy" site is colorful and engaging, sure to appeal to students. It is available in English and Spanish and requires Macromedia's Flash Player.
The site is easily navigated. Students will have no problem navigating through the adventures and teachers can follow the link in the bottom navigation to the Teachers' Lounge where all the links are embedded in the text.

The stories and activities of Maggie's Earth Adventures are designed to "provide children with the knowledge and motivation to make educated and responsible decisions so they may protect and build a sustainable future for our planet". Students will enjoy the animated adventures and the interactive activities that teach science concepts as well as math and language arts skills. The Teachers' Lounge provides a variety of standards based online activities and printable lesson plans that are written for different levels and correlated to the animated stories. Teachers can also register to receive free weekly lesson packets that are designed for students to do independently. Additionally there is a gallery for displaying student work and a What's New section that features current events, written in an age appropriate style, that have a correlation with the animated stories.


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