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Planet Quest
NASA's search for another Earth, explored online for kids.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Planet Quest highlights NASA's search for new worlds. This is a rich source of learning materials for students and teachers.
The format of this site is well-suited to the amount of information that is presented. Wide margins, easy-to-read text, and appropriate colors make the site visually appealing. Special plug-ins and players are needed for multimedia viewing and can be downloaded at the site.
This well-organized site makes finding information easy. The links in the left navigation menu expand to reveal submenus for each section. A handy site map and a search tool are also available.

Planet Quest explores NASA's planet-finding missions in a site that will fascinate young and old alike. Students can learn all about the instruments and missions, find out how scientists discover new planets and determine if they are habitable, and view multimedia presentations. A link to a glossary of terms used on the site can be found in the bottom navigation bar. Educator resources include hands-on activity guides and a list of valuable Web resources.


Education World®
Copyright © 2009 Education World

Updated 2009