CONTENT: Kiz Club provides educational language arts activities that are geared toward preschool and elementary school children.
AESTHETICS: Clean, attractive graphics and easy-to-read text make this site appealing to both children and adults.
ORGANIZATION: Menu tabs at the top of each internal page allow movement through the main sections of this site. Each section contains a sub-menu, which makes finding what you are looking for quick and simple. The printable activities require Acrobat Reader.
REVIEW: Kiz Club provides activities to be used with preschool and early elementary school students. Numerous activities involve alphabet recognition, sound/symbol relationships, and early reading skills, and parents and teachers can print games that help children practice rhyming and upper and lowercase letter matching. The Stories section offers stories that are read aloud to students. The Phonics section provides lessons and activities about consonants, vowels, and more. Additionally, the site provides activities for early education topics such as animals, colors, and shapes. There is also a flashcard section, as well as a teaching section that includes clip art and other resources. Kiz Club offers valuable materials for anyone working with children on language and pre-reading skills!
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