CONTENT: Howard Hughes Medical Institute presents this multimedia site that has interactive activities, videos, animations and virtual labs for students to learn about biology.
AESTHETICS: This well-designed site has an attractive, colorful and easily read layout. Special players and plugins are required and can be downloaded from the site. For those with low bandwidth, there is a free CD that can be ordered.
ORGANIZATION: The site is easily navigated by clicking on the main areas of the site that are listed on the homepage. All pages provide a link back to the homepage.
REVIEW: Students, or any interested in biology, will find this site fascinating. Enter the virtual labs to become a scientist and explore the human heart, identify deadly pathogens, dissect a leech, and diagnose disease. Topics such as The T-Cell (Immunology), The Visible Heart (Cardiology), Viral Infection (Infectious Diseases), Viral Subunit Reassortment (Infectious Diseases), and many more are shown as animations with accompanying text explanations. Stroll through the exhibits of the virtual museum to learn more about vital signs, hearing and seeing, and biological clocks. View at least twelve video clips from CNN on everything from salmonella to the science of anthrax. Learn biology through the click and learn biology lessons that are also illustrated with animations. This is a must-see site for any student or teacher of biology.
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