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December 2002
Updated JUNE, 2007

Wired Antarctica
Discover the science and adventure of Antarctica without risking frostbite!
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5, 6-8

Wired Antarctica explores the frozen continent of Antarctica, the fragile environment, the science and the people who work there.
The site has a simple layout that uses wide margins and great photographs.
Different areas of the site can be accessed from the buttons at the bottom of the page. Each internal page links back to the homepage.
Wired Antarctica has interesting information for the general public as well as teachers and students. Lesson plans are available for teaching about the continent. Topics include climate, history, sea level change, global change, glaciers and more. Lessons include charts, tables and maps that further explain the content. The different field sites that scientists use to study the continent are discussed along with some great photos. A glimpse into the life of the scientists that work there is provided in the frequently asked questions. Additionally there are links to Web resources for more information.

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