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November 2002

The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt:
World-class museum exhibit on ancient Egypt, brought to life on the Web!
Grade Level: Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Advanced, Professional

This interactive site from the National Gallery of Art uses the latest in technology to give visitors the experience of visiting the exhibit. It focuses on the Ancient Egyptian's concept of immortality.
This creative site is high-tech all the way. With high quality photos, audio, video and virtual reality tours it is a treat to the senses. Special plug-ins and players may be needed and can be downloaded at the site.
Navigation is easy at this user-friendly site. Links to the five major areas of the site are displayed on the main page. All pages have a link back to the home page.
Teachers and students will enjoy the interactivity of this site. It would be a great discussion starter or supplement to a unit on Egypt. Students can take a virtual reality tour of the Tomb of Thutmose III with drawings and complete explanations of the hieroglyphs and objects found there. Streaming slideshows allow visitors to examine objects while listening to an expert's narration. Transcripts of the audio files are also available. Additionally there is an exhibition film, wonderful photos of selected objects from the exhibit and other resources such as a map of ancient Egypt and exhibit brochures.

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