Classical Archives is a comprehensive collection of classical music that features more than 18,800 digital files and represents more than 1,300 composers. There is a subscription area, but the site is mostly free.
The main page is a little busy with crawling text but it is user-friendly and has consistent use of background colors and text. RealPlayer or Windows Media Player is required and can be downloaded at the site along with other freeware and shareware to enhance the listening experience.
The digital files are grouped into three categories (16th Century, 17th Century, and Living Contributors) and indexed by composer, instrument, and artist. There is a top navigation bar, an on-site search tool, and a handy site map. If you are a first time user, try the Archive Primer for help in locating the files you want.
From Bach to Chopin to Mozart to Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi, all the classics are here for your listening or downloading pleasure! Classical Archives bills itself as the largest classical music site on the Web, and it just may be. In addition to the wealth of digital files that are available, the site has a timeline that puts the composers into historical context, individual pages featuring the great composers that include biographies, and a learning center with tips for conductors and students. Musicians can post their own performances or compositions. Tutorials for MIDI Sequencing, Listening to Music on the Internet, and How to Convert MIDI to MP3 are also available.
Review by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
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