The creator of this site, hobbyist J. P. Brown, shows how Lego building blocks can be used for creative problem solving.
The site uses pictures and animations in a user-friendly format. Some of the instructions are in a downloadable DAT file (the standard format for exchanging LDraw-compatible building instruction files).
The various creations are linked on the main page, and each internal page has a link back to the home page.
The thought of Legos conjures up the image of children snapping blocks together to create simple structures. But this site is not child's play! As the site's name indicates, "serious Lego" users create these devices. For each device, a picture accompanies notes that explain the design process and an animation shows how the device works. All the devices were created using Lego's MindStorm series of robot components that include plastic blocks, microprocessors, motors, and digital cameras. For instance, the Cube Solver was created to solve the Rubik's Cube using video color recognition software and a digital camera. This Web site would be a great tool to use in the classroom to spark creativity, curiosity, and initiative.
Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
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