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App Review: 'MusicFirst' Music Management

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App Name: MusicFirst Student

Cost: Free

What does it promise? MusicFirst student is an application that claims to provide a way for music teachers and students to remain organized. It’s an education management tool that works as a platform for students to find, complete and upload tasks given to them by their music teachers.

“The MusicFirst Student App requires a student username and password, provided by their teacher or school administrator. Students simply log in, and will see a list of their assigned tasks. If a task requires them to make a recording, the App Provides a recorder where students can play into the microphone Directly on Their iOS device.” - iTunes

Does it deliver? Yes. The app requires the student to enter the school name associated with the Music First classroom application. It is part of a longer URL that has been generated by the teacher or administrator. The app’s black and white design almost relates to the ease of use. It’s simple to navigate and complete the tasks and more importantly the tasks can be stored on the application through the cloud.

There is one flaw that comes with the application but is not directly associated with the usability of the application. The application is only made for iOS devices limiting the availability to schools that use Apple devices. If the app is adapted for universal use it could potentially be very successful in nationwide music education.

Can I use it in the classroom? The point of this application is to use it outside of the classroom so that teachers can access the assignments at any time. It also gives students the ability to complete their assignments at home and upload them to the cloud later on. However, if teachers prefer to have the assignments done in class, students can use their mobile devices to complete them and upload them via cloud storage. All in all the application is crisp, easy to use and is a free resource. 

App review by Navindra Persaud, Education World Contributor