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"The Eyes Have It" Bulletin Board



  • Visual Arts
  • Technology


  • K-2
  • 3-5

Brief Description

Create a unique bulletin board that will challenge your students' powers of observation.


Students will
  • learn to take photos and either (1) scan them into a computer or (2) crop sections of the photos.
  • work with peers in a cooperative project.


photography, identify, problem solve, observation, cooperative, camera, eyes, digital camera, crop, photoshop, scan, scanner

Materials Needed

  • digital or film camera
  • printer and paper (if using a digital camera)
  • duplicate prints (if using a film camera)

The Lesson

Challenge your students' powers of observation by creating a unique bulletin board. You can use a digital camera and printer to produce the required photos, or you can use a film/disposable camera; if you use a film camera, you will need to purchase double prints of the photos students take.

Have students take photos of one another's faces. If a child wears glasses, the child should not wear the glasses for this photo. You will want two photos of each child:

  • A photo of each child's entire face will be posted on the bulletin board.
  • The second photo will be rectangular in shape and show only the child's eyes (and the part of the nose that is between the eyes). Be sure to label the back of each eye-section photo with the student's name.
If you are using a digital camera, you can use your favorite photo-editing program to select a rectangle that contains only the eyes; you will print a copy of the whole face and another of the eye-section rectangle.

If you are using a film camera, you will need to cut the duplicate photos in order to show only the students' eyes. Alternatively, if you teach older students, you could employ technology; have students scan the photos and then use a photo-shopping program to create an image of only the eyes.
Create the Bulletin Board Divide the bulletin board area you will use into two sections. Attach the headshots (numbered 1, 2, 3, 4) of students on one side of the bulletin board and the eye sections (labeled a, b, c, d) on the other side. Challenge students to match each headshot to its eye photo. You might post an answer key on the bulletin board, hidden beneath a sheet of paper.

If you teach younger students, you might brainstorm in advance a list of identifying characteristics they might look for -- for example, eye color, freckles or scars -- as they do the activity.

Just for fun -- you might sprinkle in among the photos some photos of Groucho-type eyeglasses with noses or glittery eye masks!


Assess students'
  • use of photography equipment.
  • interaction with peers.
  • success with the matching activity.

Submitted By

VaReane Heese, Springfield Elementary School in Springfield, Nebraska

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