Brief Description
Fred Gwynn's books motivate students to learn about idioms.
Students consider multiple meanings of some English-language idioms.Keywords
idiom, figure of speech, word meaning
The Lesson
This activity is based on one I actually remember being used by my own fourth-grade teacher. To this day, I still remember what our assignment was, what my idiom was, and what it looked like. I used this idea last year in my own classroom, but I added a slight twist
Begin the lesson by sharing one of Fred Gwynn's books:
The book A Little Pigeon Toad (Fred Gwynne, Aladdin, 1990) begins with the text, "Mommy says Daddy is a little pigeon toad." Most of us know that those words, spoken together, mean that Daddy walks with his toes turned in. But the daughter who hears that comment for the first time imagines in her mind that Daddy is a bird with a toad head.
The subsequent pages of A Little Pigeon Toad , and the other books by Fred Gwynne, are filled with distinctly American expressions such as that one. The books are wonderful tools for introducing students to common expressions that are not to be taken literally. Students always laugh at the illustrations; and they are a great tool for reinforcing the language concepts of idioms, homonyms, figures of speech and others.
After sharing A Little Pigeon Toad, you might introduce students to some other idioms. To gather idioms that students might illustrate, you might draw from
a bummer a class act a couch potato a fly on the wall a horse of another color a tough cookie bark up the wrong tree beat around the bush bend over backwards bent out of shape break her heart blow your top donât burn your bridges call it a day cat got your tongue caught his eye chewing the fat clear the air copycat cost an arm and a leg cut it out crocodile tears dog days of summer donât pull my leg don't count your chickens don't have a cow down in the dumps eagle eyes eating crow fishing for a compliment get someone's goat get it off your chest get the ball rolling give me a break give me a hand |
give someone the boot go ape go behind someone's back have a ball have a canary head over heels hit the books hit the sack hold your horses holy cow Iâm all ears in the dark in the dog house in the red it's raining cats and dogs kick the bucket left out in the cold let the cat out of the bag lose your cool my two cent's worth pick my brain proud as a peacock put on the back burner read my mind rock the boat sharp as a tack shoot the breeze spill the beans straight from a horse's mouth it rings a bell under the weather up to one's ears walk on eggshells work like a dog |
Give students sheets of 11" x 18" drawing paper. Have them fold the sheets in half. Have them write their idiom across the top of the left side of the page with an illustration of the false interpretation that might be made by somebody hearing the expression for the first time; on the other side of the page, students should draw an illustration of what the expression actually means.
My students had a great time creating these drawings. Now when I ask my students what an idiom is, they are very eager to answer since they all know what it is. This project really engaged their minds and their creativity. It also helped them become more proficient writers; they write more colorfully now. I did not use a test to assess my students' knowledge of idioms, but you could easily create a 10-question matching activity. Have students draw a line from the idiom in the left column to its meaning in the right column.Submitted By
Submitted by Cindy Kimbrell, Rusk Elementary in Midland, Texas
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