Brief Description
March is National Peanut Month. Have your students go "nuts" with this cyberhunt that celebrates the peanut.
Students willKeywords
George Washington Carver, peanuts, peanut butter, recipe, March, goober
The Lesson
March is National Peanut Month. Scientists think the peanut originally came from Peru or Brazil. Some people call peanuts by another name, goobers. The word goober comes from the African Congo word for peanut, nguba. To learn more about peanuts, have students use the Web resources identified below. Challenge them to answer the questions that accompany each resource.
Food Facts and Trivia: Peanut Butter
Who first developed peanut butter in 1890? (a St. Louis doctor) Where was it first promoted as a health food? (the St. Louis Exposition in 1904)
P.B. Loco
About how many pounds of peanut butter do Americans eat in one year? (800 million pounds) Most children will eat how many peanut butter sandwiches before they graduate from high school? (1500!)
What You've Always Wanted to Know About Peanuts
Approximately how many tons of peanuts were harvested worldwide in 2001-2002? (33 million tons) Name the five leading peanut growing countries of the world. (China, India, the United States, Nigeria and Indonesia)
Original Nut House Kids' Stuff
What is arachibutyrophobia? (the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth)
Original Nut House: George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver discovered more than 300 uses for peanuts. Name five of those uses. (peanuts were used to make inks, dyes, soap, face cream and powder, creosote -- a wood preservative, wood stains, plastics, linoleum, metal polish, and synthetic rubber)
The National Peanut Board: Peanut Fun Facts
Which astronaut brought peanuts with him to the moon? (Allen B. Sheppard) What did Tom Miller do with a peanut? (he pushed a peanut up Pike's Peak -- 14,100 -- with his nose) How long did it take him to do that? (four days, 23 hours, 47 minutes, and three seconds)
Virginia Carolina Peanuts: How the Peanut Plant Grows
What is unusual about how a peanut grows? (its flowers grow above the ground, but its fruit grows below the ground)
The Peanut Institute: Peanut FAQ
What is the main use for the 2.4 billion pounds of peanuts consumed each year in the United States (peanut butter) What are five of the eight main peanut-growing states? (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia)
More Cool Peanut Facts to Share
Books to Read
Other Web Sites of Interest
Additional Resource Gail Hennessey wrote a "To-Tell-the-Truth Play about George Washington Carver. That play is available in her book, Will the Real Paul Revere Please Stand Up?: And 14 Other American History Plays (Scholastic Books). Learn more about Gail, her plays, and other resources on her Web page.
Submitted By
Gail Hennessey, Harpursville Central School, Harpursville, New York