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First Lady Joins Pinterest

MO PinterestIt remains the fastest growing site on the Internet and now the First Lady has joined the ranks of Pinterest enthusiasts. Michelle Obama recently launched a Pinterest page which currently features some candid pictures of the First Family from their years in the White House.

The page does say that the First Lady’s page is maintained by staff, however she will provide personal pins. Followers will be able to identify her pins because they will be signed “MO”. President Barack Obama also signs social media posts he personally writes using “BO”.


Beyond the Bulletin Board

Teachers know that creating a genuine audience for students’ work dramatically increases their focus and motivation. Yet when student work goes beyond pen and paper, what’s the best way to showcase it?

Mark Anderson’s post on displaying student online work highlights this issue--an important one to consider for educators in tech-integrated...

The White House Webquest

With the upcoming election, I have developed materials which you may find of value to use with your students. The first resource is a webquest on the White House.

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.What do you know about where the President lives during his term in office?Did you know that President Jimmy Carter was the first to install solar energy panels on the White House or that President Ronald Reagan had them removed? Did you know that President Benjamin...


Do you want to know one of the biggest mistakes teachers make?

Waitwaitwait for it.

Thats it! They dont wait for the answer.

The number one mistake teachers make, in my opinion, is they let students off the hook. Go into most classrooms and you will see the teacher ask a question of a child, then if that child does not know the answer, they will either tell them the answer, or more commonly, they will ask another child.

They simply dont wait long...

Changes in the Public’s Attitudes...

Change is hard something that those in the education community may know better than most. Whether it is changing a school culture, a childs life prospects, policymakers thoughts on accountability, or voters minds on a bond referendum, educators are constantly on the lookout for evidence that they are succeeding as change agents. Sometimes that evidence seems scarce, particularly at a national level, as policymakers push education in ways we dont always like and rhetoric indicates that we are...

Anchor Charts

Today was day 2 for my first graders. Today I introduced an anchor chart (formerly known as thinking maps). I prefer the term anchor charts because I create them with my students and post for the students to refer to. The charts are created for the sole purpose of "anchoring" their thinking. Anchor charts can be created and used for any subject.

Today we completed two charts. The first chart, we compared kindergartners and first graders. I helped the students brain-storm the...


Are your students bored? Then let them make a board. A game board that is.

As a teacher of gifted students, I am always amazed at how my classes have loved creating game boards as assignments. They become immersed in creating a theme, crafting game pieces, coming up with clever questionsthen the fun part, they get to play each others games.

Personally, I love using the game board lesson because it can be applied to almost any subject. If students are studying natural disasters,...

Redefining 'Class Participation...

This guest blog post was made by EducationWorld Web Assistant Joseph Murphy, a student at Furman University in Greenville, SC.

Students in the 21st century live and breathe technology. Cell phones are fused to their hands, ear buds are glued in their ears, and any kid can find the answer to a question in .5 seconds through the Web. With technology...

Teachers Are Unhappy In Their Work?

Employment Web site CareerBliss recently ranked the happiest and unhappiest jobs in America and, according to their methodology, teachers are the third unhappiest professionals in the country.

Teachers fall behind only security officers and registered nurses on the list. The CareerBliss data evaluated the key factors which affect work happiness, including: work-life balance, one's...

Get Out!

As a teacher, do you want to have tunnel vision? Do you want to be locked into one way of doing things? Do you want to stop growing and building upon your prior experience?

Ok, then I have some advice for you:

Stay in your classroom. Thats right. Dont venture out into the world of education, where you can pick up techniques, lessons and philosophies that can greatly enhance your instruction. Stay cooped up in your room and just keep chugging along, without knowing that...

Elephant Appreciation Day is Coming(...

September 22 is Elephant Appreciation Day. Did you know that elephants can be right or left tusked, kind of like humans are with their hands? Did you know that the elephant has the largest brain of the animal world?Learn more interesting facts about the elephant with this fun and informative webquest. I have also listed several extension activities. Hope you find the activity of value with your students.
