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Latest Education News
A recent state report paints a dire picture of Minnesota's teacher retention problem.
A new, statewide study finds that disadvantaged students enrolled in Pre-K are more likely to succeed academically later on.
All educators are subject to bias, one veteran educator says.
Why calls to abolish the Department of Education are misguided.
President Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos held first meeting together since DeVos' confirmation.
Nearly 1,000 parents have written a letter asking President Trump to take a firm stance on protecting transgender student rights.
A new report has found that sex education in Texas needs drastic improvement.
Florida lawmakers and education experts are in disagreement on how to best incentivize the teaching profession.
Now is the time to support Career and Technical Education (CTE).
New survey results from YouthTruth finds that only 1 in 3 students have positive thoughts on school culture.
The report finds that educators are not receiving adequate SEL training in their teacher preparation programs.
President Trump rescinded a federal guidance that had been put into place to clarify legal protections for transgender students.
A bill that would have allowed science teachers to introduce theories disputing evolutionary and climate-change science was defeated by a South Dakota House committee, but similar measures are popping up across the country.
Credit recovery courses can be a very helpful tool to students who have a hard time graduation. However, it could potentially be a way to cheat the system when it comes to answer checks.
US News and World Report releases their latest rankings of the states with the best education systems.
President Donald Trump discussed his early child care and school choice voucher proposals in his Joint Address to Congress--and critics have already weighed in.
New classroom design experiments are proving that the more comfortable children are in their classroom environment, the more engaged they become.
Here are some of the top stories in STEM news this week, including the signing of new laws by President Donald Trump to increase female participation in STEM fields.
Schools are facing teacher shortages with many finding a wide array of reasons as to why numbers are shrinking.
