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Early Childhood Activity Bank

Turtle /t/ Diagrams

Read picture books about turtles, sea turtles, and tortoises.

  • Create a large Venn diagram on an easel pad. Invite children to compare turtles to another animal with four legs. Record similarities and differences in the diagram and read them aloud to students.
  • Draw a circle on an easel pad and glue a picture of turtle inside it. Have children say the word turtle aloud, listening for the beginning /t/ sound. Ask students to think of words that begin with the /t/ sound. Record the words around the circle, making a web diagram. Read the words aloud together.



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Sue LaBella, Education World's former early childhood editor, is a former teacher who loves writing activities and poems for young children. She lives in Connecticut with her family and her bulldog named Daisy.


Activities by Sue LaBella
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