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Are you looking for literature to support classroom instruction about Baseball? Check out Our Editors’ Choices for titles recommended by the Education World team. Then it's your turn to share books that you enjoy or use in your classroom in the Our Readers’ Voices section below. With your help, we will build the best list on the Web of Best Books for teaching about Baseball.



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by Kadir Nelson
The story of Negro League baseball is the story of gifted athletes and determined owners; of racial discrimination and international sportsmanship; of fortunes won and lost; of triumphs and defeats on and off the field. It is a perfect mirror for the social and political history of black America in the first half of the twentieth century. But most of all, the story of the Negro Leagues is about hundreds of unsung heroes who overcame segregation, hatred, terrible conditions, and low pay to do the one thing they loved more than anything else in the world: play ball.

by Melinda Boroson
Told in delightful verse and charming illustrations, 86 Years: The Legend of the Boston Red Sox is a "Casey at the Bat" for the 21st century. Sure to become a classic, it is a treasure for every generation, for generations to come. "This is a terrific little book for Red Sox rooters, young and old. Read...relive...share the joy," says author Stephen King (an avid Red Sox fan) of this book.

It's Your Turn!

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Don't miss our Editors’ Choices for Teachers and for Parents. We're waiting for you to add your Readers' Voices there too.

by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Rosamund's baseball team has a very unusual second base -- Oliver's gloopy purple plastic octopus. But one morning... it's gone! "Somebody stole second base," Rosamond tells teammate Nate the Great. With the help of his dog, Sludge, the young detective trails the missing octopus, picking up clues along the way. It's not easy to track down a stolen base, and Nate's hunt leads him to some strange places before he finds himself up at bat once more. Part of the Nate the Great series.

by Peter Golenbock
This is the moving story of how Jackie Robinson became the first black player on a major league baseball team and how, on a fateful day in Cincinnati, PeeWee Reese took a stand and declared Jackie his teammate.

by Dan Gutman
Like every other kid in his class, Joe Stoscack has to write a report on an African American who's made an important contribution to society. Unlike every other kid in his class, Joe has a special talent: with the help of old baseball cards, he can travel through time. So for his report, Joe decides to go back to meet one of the greatest baseball players ever, Jackie Robinson, to find out what it was like to be the man who broke baseball's color barrier. But Joe doesn't plan on a trip that will for a short time change the color of his skin -- and forever change his view of history. Part of the Gutman's Baseball Card Adventures series.

Add your voice to our list of books for teaching about Baseball!

The Education World Editors’ Choices above represent just a handful of the fine books that might be used to support classroom instruction about Baseball. Now we’re waiting for you to add to our list! Simply send us your review of a favorite book in 100 words or fewer and we will add it to the Readers’ Choices below.

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