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Steve Haberlin is an assistant professor of education at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, and author of Meditation in the College Classroom: A Pedagogical Tool to Help Students De-Stress, Focus, and Connect. His work focuses on the use of mindfulness and meditation practices in both k-12 and higher education settings. His workshop, "Mindfulness for Teachers," helps educators develop a personal practice to help with stress and anxiety and to be more present in their teaching and personal lives. Steve is also available for higher education workshops to help professors use brief meditation activities in class and for keynote presentations on mindfulness and meditation-related topics. For more information, contact Steve at [email protected].
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During 2018, why not resolve to reach all learners in the classroom, despite where they fall in terms of academic ability? Included in that resolution might be the goal to further challenge gifted students—a promise to help them learn something new...
I often dream about what I would change in education if I could wave a magic wand. I try to work towards those changes in the real world--but dreaming, I guess, is easier. I think imagining how we might better serve students is an important first...
As teachers, we should carefully examine what we consider important in classrooms. For instance, what language, customs, mannerisms, and social graces do we value above others in school settings. The concept of cultural capital theory was proposed...
I have discovered a simple, yet effective way to remain inspired as a teacher. It costs nothing, does not take much time, and always works. Before I reveal “my secret,” I want to address the topic of motivation and teacher burnout. The teacher...
When explaining to pre-service teachers how to differentiate in the classroom, I usually revert to drawing a simple diagram. It consists of three circles containing the words: content, process, product (I wish I could give proper credit to whoever...
Let’s be honest. Differentiation in the classroom is not easy. You read a bunch of articles or listen to speakers on the topic and it sounds nice, but implementing differentiation practices amidst the challenges and daily demands of teaching is...
Teacher shortages and high-turnover rates have become commonly accepted. About two-fifths of teachers quit the profession within five years, according to data released by the Association of Teachers and Lectures (ATL). The main reason for quitting:...
I recall when teaching an undergraduate course, asking the pre-service teachers in the class to narrow down a chapter on student engagement and management to a single word. Not an easy task, but the group managed to list a series of words that...
Which of the following scenarios do you prefer? During the first, the teacher is observed in his classroom for about 45 minutes. The evaluator takes notes then quietly leaves. Days later, the teacher and evaluator conference, and the evaluator...
As a teacher, have you ever felt like you were running in circles? Like you were working as hard as possible but then not getting the results, whether in the form of student engagement, test scores, and/or learning gains. It might be time to...
