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Gail Skroback Hennessey taught for over 33 years, teaching sixth grade in all but two years. She earned a BA in early secondary education with a concentration in social studies and an MST in social...
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Could You Stay in Bed for THREE Months for Science?

Bell Ringer Activity

Ever have a day when you wished you could stay in bed? Andrew Iwanicki not only is staying in bed for one day but for THREE months! As part of a NASA program to study how bones and muscles react to long periods of weightlessness in space, they have asked for volunteers to stay in bed for 70 days. NASA has actually gotten 54 people to volunteer for this experiment in addition to Iwanicki. No getting out of bed, no going outside, just staying in a bed with your head slightly tilted downward and your feet up, hooked up to different monitors to see how your body is handling "complete bed rest", is  what Iwanicki will be doing for about seven more weeks. There is television and internet available and NASA suggests that participants use the time for achieving goals. One bright side is that the volunteers are paid about $15,000 to lie in bed for this period of time!

Student questions:

1. Would you be able to participate in such a study? Why, why not?
2. What would be the most difficult aspect of participating in this study?
3. Watching television and playing video games might get old after a while, what might you decide to do with some of your time?



Illustration from