Helps Middle Schoolers GEAR UP for College
A federal program for low-income middle school students helps them prepare for college as early as sixth
grade. That program provides a wide variety of information and experiences for students. It also puts
much-needed information into the hands of parents who might not have time to gather it on their own. "That
[information] is very powerful," one program administrator told Education World. Included: Administrators
from rural and urban school systems tell Education World how they are gearing up their students for college!
Do Schools Give 'Equal Grades for
Equal Work'?
When is a B really an A? When you live in a school district with high academic standards and tough grading
policies, according to some Connecticut parents who want their kids to get more A's. Those parents blame
the school district's high standards for their students' low grades! Included: An Education World poll
of school administrators across the country.
AFT President Proposes Extra Year
of High School
About 4,000 members of the American Federation of Teachers are gathering in Philadelphia this week for
its 76th annual conference. Highlights of the conference include Vice President Al Gore's delivery of
a key policy address. Other highlights include debates and resolutions about controversial teacher testing,
charter schools, and a proposal by AFT president calling for an extra year of high school to help prevent
high school-dropout rates from climbing.
Teachers Learn from Looking Together at Student Work
School reformers say the way to improve education and accountability is by improving the way teachers
and students look at student work. Today, Education World examines two collaborative approaches that teachers
are using to look at student work. Included: Tips for looking at student work.
Career Education: Setting Your Students on the Path to a Valued
"Only rich people can go to college!" That is what one third grader told teacher Heather Root. Now, Root
and other educators are emphasizing career education in their classrooms, even at the elementary level.
With the resources of the Web as your guide, you too can implement a study of occupations that enlightens,
inspires, and encourages your students to succeed! Included: Online resources for screening personality
and interest, writing rsums, and the all-important job interview. Lesson plans for teachers too!
Can Schools Stop Promoting Failure?
The "social promotion" pendulum swings back and forth. Educators in Chicago, DC, and North Carolina are
setting new standards for student promotion and retention. And a new report from the American Federation
of Teachers -- "Passing on Failure: District Promotion Policies and Practices" -- examines the issue.