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Blog: Ed Tech Today

Relating: Busy Students/Busy Faculty

  • Because I work in a small high school with 120 students, we are busy with many events everyday. Here is a sample of how busy our students have been in the past two weeks! Please don't let anyone tell my students that they can't do it all! Let's remember that young people are indeed amazing! I admire and respect my students! They are amazing!
  1. 1. Production of Annie the musical with scores of students in scores of roles
  2. ...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Penny for your Thoughts!

Not an academic question but I was just wondering. Do you pick up a penny if you spot one on the sidewalk?

I do....and I still say the saying," Find a penny, pick it up. All day long, you'll have good luck." I thought I remember in order to be a recipient of the good luck, the penny had to be "heads up". I admit, I used to flip the "found" penny until it landed heads but now, I just pick up the sad, lost little piece of currency and take it home.
What do you do?

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Even the Peanut has a History!

Perhaps, you might find my resource on the History of the Peanut of value to use with your students.March is National Peanut Month. My web quest," Learn about the Peanut!" is a fun/informative activity that helps develop skills such as reading for information and using research and computer skills. Comprehension questions, fun facts about the peanut and lots of extension activities (and the key) are included. A great activity for a Friday or when you need a...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

What Finland Can Offer Gifted Education

I just finished reading a very interesting book called The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way by Amanda Ripley. The book details the adventures of three teens, who travel to three different countries, which according to international tests, have been most successful in teaching students to think critically.
While the countries achieved success in various ways, one of the countries, Finland, achieved academic success among its students by recruiting the best teachers...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Women's History Month

Women have made lots of contributions to our world yet for a very long time, women and their accomplishments were not given much mention in history books. My female students often asked me whether there were female explorers, queens in ancient history that accomplished things and women inventors,etc.

Women's History Month(March) is a great chance to highlight some of the many women that have made contributions to our world. Can you think of a woman that made a lasting impression on you...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

April Fool's Day is Coming......

Introduce your students to the history of April Fool's Day.This resource provides a reading for students as well as lots of interesting famous April Fool's Day pranks (Ex: A video on a spaghetti harvest in the country of Switzerland caused people to call to ask where they could buy a spaghetti tree!) Extension activities,a Test your April Fool's Day IQ and comprehension questions. Great resource for April Fool's Day.


Blog: Ed Tech Today

Relating: Blessings to Leadership

  • I recently read an amazing piece on a blog by Shira Leibowitz(@shiraleibowitz) and felt a need to share her ideas with other leaders! Thank you! She has ten principles that can guide us as we navigate the frequently turbulent waters of school initiatives and changes needed to move our schools forward for the students!

  • 1.Say yes to those who seek to experiment and try approaches new to them, and new to the school...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Relating: As a Leader

  • In the 60's we also reminded our leaders, "The times they are a chang'in", and that phrase is ever true in contemporary stressful school leadership situations; it is easy for the morale of any organization to take a dip when change occurs.
  • Morale dips are caused by multiple factors and influences. My experiences as a school leader have taught me that there are behaviors that academic leaders can do to build a positive morale within the school community. While not an exhaustive...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Relating: Alternatives to Academic...

  • "Alternatives to Penalizing Students for Not Doing Homework"
    (Originally titled The Problem with Penalties)
    in an article by a Canadian educator, the ugly truth about homework academic punishments was candidly revealed!
    Penalties that are administered with little regard to each students individual needs are antiquated and unprofessional, says Canadian educator Myron Dueck in this Educational Leadership article. Whether at home or school, influencing change in...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Common Core-ify Student Assessments

Speed of Creativity blogger Dr. Wesley Fryer encourages teachers to give students differentiated, 21st-century options for demonstrating mastery and understanding of the curriculum.

These methods can include images, audio and video, as opposed to the typical text-only type of assessment. To that end, Fryer provides a helpful list of resources and Web...
