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Blog: Ed Tech Today

5 Ideas to Reflect on for the New Year

When you think of an Early Childhood Classroom, what do you see? Do you see bright colors? Welcoming faces, smiles, and bulletin boards that are decorated with fun themes? There are so many things that young children need to learn and develop in a successful way. Early Childhood teachers can do this and help children become productive citizens. 

Here are few things to think about or revisit as you begin...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Visual and Creative Thinking

 An Invitation-

Have you ever had so many creative ideas, some that worked and some that are still pending? Have you ever felt like your creativity was overwhelming, others would never understand...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

“Inner Calm” for the Classroom and...

Teaching is a very stressful profession. I have personally experienced the demands of being a teacher and observed colleagues also deal with the stressors of the job, ranging from high-stakes testing, demanding parents, increased paperwork, disrespectful students, increased diversity and differentiated learning needs, and lack of creativity and autonomy.

As a teacher educator, who works with student teachers, I believe that serving in a practicum setting where student teachers gain...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Top...

During the past year, we’ve discussed and debated the pros and cons of using technology in the learning journey. Whether we like it or not, kids are growing up in a technological environment, and knowing how to make the best use of good tech is a critical part of preparing them for their future lives. Important 21st century skills such as...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education:...

I believe that words, communication, literature and the arts, can promote peace, tolerance and harmony, and bring about a change.” — Ada Aharoni

The biggest challenge for humanity in the years ahead just might be coming to grips with the idea that we are all in this together – we are living in a world that’s...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

A New Year’s Resolution: Include Gifted...

During 2018, why not resolve to reach all learners in the classroom, despite where they fall in terms of academic ability?

Included in that resolution might be the goal to further challenge gifted students—a promise to help them learn something new everyday day, to provide enrichment and opportunities to develop their abilities, and not simply ask them to do more work or tutor classmates.

If you’re already challenging the gifted, I congratulate you! But you still might find...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Snow Factoids. Fun Interactive Notebook...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

If I had a Magic Wand (and Could Change...

I often dream about what I would change in education if I could wave a magic wand. I try to work towards those changes in the real world--but dreaming, I guess, is easier.

I think imagining how we might better serve students is an important first step. Closing our eyes and asking ourselves: What kind of education would I like to see for students and my own children? Then, letting the answers emerge.

Here are some of my “answers” (in no particular order):


Blog: Ed Tech Today

The Global Search for Education: Awa...

“Music is the 100% best medicine for sadness and it helps people find more faith in life. And while feeling sad is a very natural thing, for me as a singer, music is the best healer.” — Awa Sangho

Mali-born New York based singer-songwriter Awa Sangho, who will perform at BAM this month, is a rising star on the...

Blog: Ed Tech Today

Remembering a Historic Day in History:...

