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Learning Machine

Explore the coolest teaching resources on the Web.

From the Science Machine
Use Science of Music to explore the topics of sound and music. (Grades 3-8)

From the Reading Machine
Chicken Stacker reinforces short vowel sounds. (Grades K-2)

From the Math Machine
Tickets Please! is a fun Web site for teaching addition. (Grades 1-2)

Last week, I posted a question to the Education World Facebook page asking whether Ed World fans think U.S. kids need more time in school. Most of those who responded said "no." Apparently, very few teachers believe that lack of instructional time is the reason today's students aren't making the grade.
Read more.

This Old Lounge
If your teachers' lounge leaves something to be desired, learn from expert Evette Ros and talented teachers and community members who have donned their tool belts and remodeled their lounges affordably.

Goal Setting 101: Setting Individual Goals
You dont have to wait to achieve a class goal before teaching students to set personal goals.

Keeping in Touch With Families
For many parents, a phone call from a teacher means trouble. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Strategy of the Week
The Responsive Classroom
The Responsive Classroom approach emphasizes social and academic growth through morning meetings, organized play, guided discovery, and academic choice.

Ken Shore: The ABCs of Bullying Prevention
Bully-Proofing Your Classroom
Prevention is, at its essence, a process of education, and many of the lessons students need to learn to dissuade them from bullying must come from you. Dr. Ken Shore offers teaching strategies you can use to bully-proof your classroom.

Ms. Powell's Tips for Organizing Your Classroom
A File Holder for Reading Strands
Keep a magazine file holder for each of the reading strands addressed in your state standards.

Classroom Management Article of the Week
Let's Cooperate!
Cooperation starts at the top! Teachers who use cooperative learning in their classrooms have developed techniques that make the most of this method, and they share them.

From Our Classroom Tips Library
Classroom Management: Parent Partners
Behavior Management: Gimme Five!
Motivating Kids: Make Sure They Understand
Book Report Makeover: Thumbs Up or Down?
Homework Tips: Homework BINGO
Best Idea Ever: Review on the Fly
Testing Tips: Word Perfect

Emma McDonald: The New Teacher Advisor
Become a Task Master
As a new teacher, its easy to become overwhelmed by the number of activities and tasks that fill your time. Its all too easy to let your tasks control you. Thats where time management comes in.

Joe Martin: The Teacher Motivator
Imitate to Motivate
Think back and remember your favorite teacher. Reflect on everything about that teacher that made you admire and respect him or her. Now, I want you to pretend to be your favorite teacher.

Eric Baylin's Songs to Brighten a Teacher's Day
Oh, the Substitute Is Comin in Today
What happens to students when they sense that a substitute is a bit green and gullible and can be reduced to whimpering? Surely, its material for a song!

Fred Jones's Tools for Teaching
Escaping the Paper-Grading Trap
The more adept you become at building work-check into teaching, the more responsibility students take for quality control, and the more your evenings are freed up for lesson planning.

Leah Davies: The Teacher Counselor
Rewards in the Classroom
Even though children who enter school are often inclined to be either intrinsically or extrinsically motivated, a worthwhile goal for educators is to foster intrinsic motivation in children.

Meet other members of Education World's Professional Development columnist team.


Wendy Petti's Math Cats
Halloween Math
Halloween is a time for math fun -- for measuring pumpkin waistlines; for drawing spiders with coordinates and discovering the math woven into spider webs; for categorizing costumes; and for graphing candy counts. Go Figure!
Can you use the 16 squares to create a new pattern? Beware! It's harder than it looks.
Double Trouble
Adding and subtracting to 18; adding double digits.
Math Mnemonics
Area of a circle.
I Can Create Lightning
A demonstration of static electricity and how it's involved in lightning and weather.

Student Essays Describe Perfect School
Students in Sue Chanda's class envision a perfect school with more technology, smaller teacher-student ratios, more electives, and a later starting time.

The Weblog Class
Hilary Meeler's students blog their way to better writing skills.

The Wall Inspires Letters to Veterans
Inspire students to write letters to veterans.

'Indescribably' Excellent Descriptions
Engage students in writing "indescribably excellent" descriptions.

Writing Bugs
Describing Winifred Witch
Winifred Witch was a sight to see! She...
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Choose a weird headline, be a news reporter.

Cathy Puett Miller:
Improving Fluency in Struggling Readers
There is much more to fluency than speed. We need to look at teaching and assessing fluency as a triangle with three important sides...

Reader's Theater
Dancing With the Nursery Rhyme Stars
It's a battle of fancy footwork as nursery rhyme characters face-off in a dance contest.

Reading Feature
Creating a Classroom of Writers Using the "Meet the Author" Collection
The words of real authors might be just the inspiration your students need to help them through the painstaking writing process.

Best Books for Teaching About...
Election Day

More from Our Professional Development Channel

This ten-part series from the Department of Education explores the components of a successful strategy for educating children with ADHD.

Part 5
Successful Instruction for Students With ADHD: Concluding Lessons

Effective teachers conclude their lessons by providing advance warning that the lesson is about to end, checking the completed assignments of at least some of the students with ADHD, and instructing students how to begin preparing for the next activity.