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Learning Machine

Explore the coolest teaching resources on the Web.

From the Science Machine
Use Science of Music to explore sound and music. (Grades 3-8)

From the Reading Machine
Chicken Stacker reinforces short vowel sounds. (Grades K-2)

From the Math Machine
Tickets Please! is a fun Web site for teaching addition. (Grades 1-2)

Five Crucial Conversations that Drive Educational Excellence
The last three crucial conversations that drive educational excellence while preventing teacher burnout are about uncooperative colleagues, unsupportive parents, and undisciplined students.

Hooking Kids on Science
As a new teacher, Alan McCormack turned to magic and Harry Potter to conjure up more student interest in science.

Ask Dr. Shore...
About Peer Pressure
My son is about to enter middle school. What can I do to help him avoid succumbing to peer pressure?

Ms. Powell's Tips for Organizing Your Classroom
Paper Organizers Simplify Take-Home Tasks
Use a metal and plastic or cardboard paper organizer to store fliers or corrected work to send home.

From Our Classroom Tips Library
Classroom Management: Just Passing Through
Behavior Management: Prevent Behavior Problems
Motivating Kids: Reward Them
Book Report Makeover: Just Say the Word
Homework Tips: Homework Hotline
Best Idea Ever: The Silence Game
Testing Tips: Essay Steps

Fred Jones's Tools for Teaching
The Process of Growth and Change
Training is the easy part of effective professional development. The hard part is follow-through. Follow-through requires organizational change to support personal change.

Emma McDonald: The New Teacher Advisor
The Secret Weapon: Getting to Know Your Students
Building positive relationships with students is the number one way to forestall behavior problems that can arise in the classroom. The better students know and respect you, the better they'll behave.

Joe Martin: The Teacher Motivator
I Owe, You Owe, We Owe
My question is, "How much do you owe your favorite teacher?" If your favorite teacher was anything like mine, Im sure he or she would say, "Just pay your students what you think you owe me."

Meet other members of Education World's Professional Development columnist team.


Math Cats
Writing About Math
A look at some of the benefits of writing about Math, a variety of writing categories and topics, and suggestions for creating a positive environment for writing about math.

Car Shopping
Which car should Melanie buy? How far has each car been driven?

Boxcar Math
What's Your Number?
Players practice 4-digit place value and decimal place value.

Math Mnemonics
How to do long division.


Hot Box
A demonstration of why Venus is so hot.

Write on Target
Three educators share their favorite writing-based activities. From hall graffiti to a winter memoir, these activities will have students penning with pleasure.

Write Your Own Life
Sue Flaherty's sixth graders write about their hopes and dreams as they contemplate their futures.

The ABC Project
Older students create ABC books for younger students. (Grades 3-12)

Writing Takes Shape
Writing "takes shape" in this activity based on The Greedy Triangle. (Grades 3-8)

Writing Bugs
Acting Like a Little Kid
The last time I acted like a little kid...
Be a Sport
What is your favorite sport to watch?

Good to Be Green
Will the Nursery Rhyme Kingdom's admissions committee look beyond Little Gerry Green Thumb's unique appearance and accept him into their group?

Cathy Puett Miller: The Reading Coach
Beyond Comprehension Strategies
A multi-faceted approach to teaching comprehension, including five additions to the NRP's suggested reading curriculum.

Best Books for Teaching About...

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