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Math Subject Center 3

Practical, Hands-On Financial Literacy Lessons
Managing money is not an innate skill, as the high rate of debt in the U.S. shows. Lessons on managing money should be part of a formal education, many believe. Programs like Hands on Banking give students practical lessons in handling their finances.

Kids Fill "Passports" With Practical Math
The success of previous reading nights prompted staff at one Wisconsin elementary school to design a similar math-focused event. Students math "passports" were stamped as they traveled from activity to activity, explained organizer Amy DeWall.

Mean, Mode, and Median
Mean, median, and mode are averages. Mean is the average of a group of numbers. Median is the middle number in a list of numbers that have been arranged in order. Mode is the number that occurs most frequently in a list of numbers arranged in order.

A Student-Led Math Family Fun Night: The Logistics
Wendy Petti provides a step-by-step guide to help you plan a student-led Math Family Fun Night at your school.

A Student-Led Math Family Fun Night: Learning from the Planning Process
Math Family Fun Night planned and led by students presents wonderful learning opportunities for students -- and teachers too!

A Math Toolbox in Every Home
As teachers, we know the value of hands-on exploration with math manipulatives in school. We can extend the sense of discovery and empowerment into our students homes by helping them assemble math toolboxes to be enjoyed by the whole family.

Ratio and Proportion
A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. A proportion is a statement (or equation) that says two ratios are equal. If one number in a proportion is not known, cross-multiplying can be used to find the unknown number.

Decimals, like fractions, are a way of writing numbers that are larger or smaller than whole numbers. Decimals are represented by a symbol called a decimal point.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions
To add or subtract fractions with the same denominator (like fractions), add or subtract the numerators, and write the sum or difference over the denominator. To add or subtract fractions with different denominators, find a common denominator and rewrite the fractions as like fractions.

We group numbers to make them easier to work with. Most of the time, one group of 10 or one group of 100 is easier to work with than ten 1s or one hundred 1s. Sometimes, however, numbers are easier to work with if we arrange them into different groups.


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