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Celine Provini joined EducationWorld as editor in 2011. She previously trained educators to implement and evaluate best practices for positive school climate, bullying prevention, youth mentoring and...
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Chromebook Pixel Debuts

On Thursday, Google introduced the Chromebook Pixel, the latest version of its Chromebook laptops, which store just about everything in cloud storage. The $1,300 Wi-Fi model includes a nearly 13-inch display touchscreen and begins shipping next week.

By combining tablet and laptop technology, heavyweight Intel chips and the most beautiful screen for your dollar, it’s designed for that juicy segment of the personal computer buyers known as “power users.”

The Pixel can store a small amount of data for downloads and such, but the philosophy behind the machine is that users will store nearly all of their data in the cloud. And as with the other Chromebooks, Pixel users are expected to use Google products to supplement other software.

Google's strategy is compensating for the Pixel's lack of a hard drive with free online storage, which might help wary buyers make the transition to the cloud. The Pixel includes one terabyte of Google Drive storage for three years, or $1,800 worth of storage. The LTE-enabled Chromebooks will also come with 100 megabytes of free monthly data traffic for two years.

Still, the steep cost might be a tough pill to swallow for even the most adventurous power users and devoted cloud advocates.


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The More Things Change, The More They...

Editor's Note: This week's post comes from Dave Weiss, a college professor who teaches in the education department.
The title of this post can be applied to the state of teacher education today. When I did my teacher training, forty years ago, I was armed with Piaget, Bruner, Dewey, and other theories of learning. I found these theorists exciting and stimulating. I was ready to implement these theories when I would finally be given my own classroom. My goal was to teach in an...

From The Ivory Tower to the Urban...

Editor's Note: This week's post comes from Dave Weiss~ a college professor who teaches in the education department.

In the period of time that I have been an adjunct instructor in various schools of education~ I have witnessed and participated in on-going debates and discussions concerning how prospective teachers should be prepared for the urban classroom. Much of this debate has centered on the issue of theory versus practice.

In the classes I have...

Webquest on Martin Luther King

With the Martin Luther King holiday coming~ I wanted to share a webquest I developed on the minister and civil rights leader. Martin Luther King once said~ There is nothing more tragic in all this world than to know right and no do it." Perhaps~ you can use this quote to discuss the issue of bullying and how if a student sees something that looks like bullying-to say something!Perhaps~ you might find the webquest of value to use with your students. You can find it at this link:...

Polar Challenge-Using Current Events in...

Using current events in the classroom as a cross curricular activity...Perhaps~ your students might want to follow Helen Skelton's attempt to be the first person to bike to the South Pole.She started today on her 500 mile trek using a specially built bike~ the Hanebrink "ice bike". Skelton hopes to complete The Polar Challenge~in 20 days. Skelton hopes to travel 14 hours a day~ battling frigid air... temps(-13F to -58F) and wind speeds that can reach up to 125 mph~ for charity. She will...

Student Motivation

Student recognition in the classroom is a necessity to keep students working their hardest. It becomes easy to overlook the student who is always doing what is expected~ and to always notice the child who is misbehaving. But~ consciously recognizing students as they achieve great things is vital to motivating children throughout their school career.

Think about the last time you were praised by your superior. How did it feel? Did you remember whether or not you smiled? Were you then...

50 Years Ago~ February 20~2012~ John...

Space shuttles lifting off and landing on run-ways~space probes to distant worlds~ and an international space station~ all had their beginning with brave astronauts such as John Glenn. Fifty years ago this February~in a 9 1/2 by 6 ft. space capsule called Friendship 7~ John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth.In a space about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle~Glenn orbited the earth~ three times~ in 4 hours and 56 minutes. I developed a webquest on John Glenn's amazing...

Can you guess the 2011 most Irritating...

Can you name the most annoying word? For the third straight year~the winning irritating word is..."whatever". A poll conducted by Marist College Institute for Public Opinion said that 4/10 people responded that "whatever" is the most annoying word to hear in a conversation. Close runners up for disliked words included "you know" and "like".Might be an interesting activity to ask students to make a list of words used in conservation that they dislike hearing.

Happy Holidays to you all...

Try a Token Economy System

Behavior management is typically not a widely covered topic in university teacher education classes. I suppose that is because there are so many other items of importance~ such as standards~ assessing~ and actual methods coursework. Unfortunately~ if learning how to manage those behavior problems in your classroom has not been addressed~ the class could be running you!

In my first year of teaching~ I had a challenging class full of boys. There were about...

130 Years Later- Alexander Graham Bell...

This might be another news story to discuss with young people.Alexander Graham Bell~ famed for his invention of the telephone~is in the news.Recordings he made back in the 1880s have again been played at the Library of Congress~ our nation's library~ located in Washington~ DC~ for the first time in 130 years.
Made on discs and cylinders~ six of his fragile recordings were brought to life thanks to advances in technology that enabled the sound to be recovered from tiny grooves with light...

Making the Right Hiring Decisions

Editor's Note: Today's guest post comes from Dr. Scott Taylor~ an educator from New Jersey.
Hire character. Train skill. ~ Peter Schutz
It makes a lot of sense to find people who are ready to engage in a lifelong career in learning. Some teacher candidates come to the interview prepared to answer all the questions. I dont care as much about the answers as I do the delivery and the unspoken personality nuggets behind the answers.
