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Gail Skroback Hennessey taught for over 33 years, teaching sixth grade in all but two years. She earned a BA in early secondary education with a concentration in social studies and an MST in social...
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Polar Challenge-Using Current Events in the Classroom

Using current events in the classroom as a cross curricular activity...Perhaps~ your students might want to follow Helen Skelton's attempt to be the first person to bike to the South Pole.She started today on her 500 mile trek using a specially built bike~ the Hanebrink "ice bike". Skelton hopes to complete The Polar Challenge~in 20 days. Skelton hopes to travel 14 hours a day~ battling frigid air... temps(-13F to -58F) and wind speeds that can reach up to 125 mph~ for charity. She will endure blinding snow~snow blindness and~possible altitude sickness.Additionally~ the route is uphill all the way and will reach altitudes of 9840 Ft.! A sledge carrying her supplies and equipment will be dragged behind. Skelton~ who works for BBC's Blue Peter~ a children's program in Great Britain~ is also first person to solo the length of the Amazon in a kayak. Kids might want to read her journey and write their own~ pretending to be along for the trek.Students could also research Antarctica~ the creatures that call the continent home~ glaciers~ etc. Here's a link:

Hope you find this of value.

