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President John Adams

Hand out this printable student work sheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.



Activity Key

Uncorrected Text

John Adams was born in massachusetts in October 30, 1735. Educated at harvard university, he wanted the colonys to been independent from england. After two terms as vice president, Adams became president. He was the first president to live in the White House. On his first night their, Adams wrote, "May none but honest and wize men ever rule under this roof." John Adams served one term. President Thomas Jefferson replace him.

Answer Key

John Adams was born in Massachusetts on October 30, 1735. Educated at Harvard University, he wanted the colonies to be independent from England. After two terms as vice president, Adams became president. He was the first president to live in the White House. On his first night there, Adams wrote, "May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof." John Adams served one term. President Thomas Jefferson replaced him.


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