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Becky Potter


"The other fourth grade teachers and I were looking for ways to help motivate our students to do their best," recalled Becky Potter. "I suggested using one of the walls outside our classrooms as an Exemplary Wall, where students could post their achievements. It has become quite a success."

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When a student earns a perfect score on an assignment or test or receives recognition for outstanding behavior, he or she may add a cut-out shape to the "Exemplary Wall" located on a wall just outside Potter's classroom.

"Shapes are available in each fourth grade classroom and may be claimed as earned," explained Potter. "Students label shapes with their name, the grade (score), and the name of the assignment or behavior. Each student then mounts his or her shape to the wall with tape."

Becky Potter and two students pose by the Exemplary Wall

Students in all grades, teachers, parents, and visitors to Wellsville (Kansas) Elementary School have commented on the multitude of postings on the wall. They enjoy looking for the names of fourth graders they know. The fourth graders themselves like to track the number of times their own names appear on it.

"To set up an Exemplary Wall, it is important to choose a location near the classrooms involved, yet also open to other traffic," Potter advised. "Human beings appreciate recognition of their efforts and our students are no exception. They are so proud to see their successes posted for all to view."

Article by Cara Bafile
Education World®
Copyright © 2007 Education World
