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Be Kind to Substitutes

What can you do to keep substitutes coming back?

More Substitute Ideas

For more tips to maximize the substitute experience for everyone, visit the Education World Sub Station.

Do you have a tip to share about subs? Send it to [email protected].

At Their Fingertips
Make materials accessible.

Create a substitute folder and keep it in an obvious location place. Include in the folder a seating chart, a list of classroom rules and procedures, a daily and weekly schedule, notes about individual students, and the names of teachers or aides who are willing and able to lend a hand. Also provide extra worksheets and curriculum-related activities that can be used at any time.

A Name and a Face
Help them call students by name.

Use double-sided tape or Velcro to attach to your seating chart a small photograph of each student, so the substitute will be able to put a face and name together immediately. Using double-sided tape or Velcro will enable you to easily rearrange your seating chart.

A Great Tour
Show them around.

Make an audiocassette that walks the substitute through a typical day and communicates insight about routines and students. As an added help, label classroom cabinets and storage areas so needed supplies can be located easily.

Article by Linda Starr
Education World®
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