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Time Rushes By
by Jennifer Sinotte

Jennifer Sinotte is working toward National Board Certification as an Exceptional Needs Specialist / Early Childhood Through Young Adulthood.

September 22, 2003

Here we go again! Another week has gone by and the summer is almost over. I wanted to have all of entry four completed and put away by the start of school year. Although it is almost complete, I feel the anxiety coming on. I still have three more entries to finish by February 16. I've gone through my checklist for the week, and I still need to complete my final draft on the reflection. It is now Wednesday, and I'm still working on this. I never thought that writing two pages could take almost three weeks to complete! My three accomplishments are finished, though, along with the documentation. Once I have put the reflection to rest, I will go over everything one more time, make multiple copies, and put this entry away. I need to start planning my goals for the month of September. I need to choose the entry I'll be working on next. Because I want the children to get used to being videotaped, I think I'll work on entry three. I have found that it is easier on me to start an entry and complete it rather than having two or three started and nothing finalized. I also have to start thinking about the Assessment Center, but my mind is spinning right now; that will have to wait. Previous diary entry Next diary entry
Meet Jennifer Sinotte

Jennifer Sinotte received her bachelor's degree in elementary education from Franklin Pierce College in May 1992, and her master's degree in special education from Providence College in May of 1998. Jennifer has spent her teaching career at Bradford Elementary School in Westerly, Rhode Island. For the first two years of her career, she was a resource teacher for grades four and five. For the past four years, Jennifer taught in a primary self-contained classroom, and recently switched to full-day kindergarten.

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