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Boggle Your Mind



Update this bulletin board once each week for spelling fun.

You are probably familiar with the game Boggle?. In that game, players use a random selection of 16 letters to form as many words as they can. They earn points for the words they can form by putting together consecutive letters. They earn

  • 1 point for each three-letter word they create;
  • 2 points for each four-letter word they create;
  • 3 points for each five-letter word they create;
  • 4 points for each six-letter word they create;
  • 5 points for each seven-letter word they create; and
  • 6 points for each word of eight or more letters.

    For this bulletin board game, create a Boggle-like board that is five letters square (5x5 grid). Post the letters each Monday and check back on Friday to learn which student earned the most points. You might keep a running tally of points for students, or you might award a special prize to the student who earns the most points each week.

    You might use an actual Boggle game to create your bulletin board letter-combinations for the week, or you could search for on online Boggle game to use to build the Boggle bulletin board for the week.


    Find more bulletin board ideas in our Bulletin Boards That Teach Archive.

    See these articles about bulletin boards:

  • From "Pretty" to Practical: Using Bulletin Boards to Teach
  • Your Search for Bulletin Board Ideas Is Over

    And dont miss these resources:

  • Holidays & Special Days Center
  • Education World Coloring Calendars

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