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Book Report Makeover: Book of the Year!

Each week, Education World offers a new idea to help you "make over" boring book report formats. If you're looking for a way to spice up book reports -- and truly engage students in reading -- you've come to the right place. Check out this week's makeover idea

Students create a medal and award it to their personal "Best Book of the Year."

Introduce students to the Caldecott Medal and the Newbery Medal and share with them the titles of some Caldecott or Newbery winners with which they are familiar. Brainstorm with students qualities that might have made those books deserving of such an honor.

Invite students to design and create their own book medal and then to select a book to award their medal to. Allow each student to lightly tape his or her medal to the front of the selected book, along with an explanation of why the book deserves that honor.

Source: Kudos by Kiddos

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