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From the Science Machine
Use Liquids and Solids to teach states of matter. (Grades K-2)

From the Reading Machine
Kids have fun with letters, vocabulary, and phonics at Fuzzy Lion Ears. (Grades preK-1)

From the Math Machine
Math Splat teaches addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numerals. (Grades 4-6)

What do teachers really want for Christmas? Higher pay? Better benefits? Shorter school days? More attentive students? Here's a list of those special Christmas gifts that will make any teacher's job just a little bit easier in the coming year.

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A Token Economy and Fifth Grade Financiers
Students work, save, and spend as entry-level entrepreneurs.

Planning Your Retirement
Everyone is concerned about how much money they will need to retire. While that is important, it's not the first question you need to ask yourself. The first question to consider is, "What am I going to do with the time?"

December: A Month of Multicultural Holiday Celebrations
Do your students celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Three Kings Day? Maybe they celebrate St. Lucia Day or Ramadan. December offers great opportunities for teaching about our multicultural world.

Teacher Feature
Santa's Helpers
Kay Lanceley's high school students bring Christmas to kids in need.

Strategy of the Week
Service Learning
In its truest form, service learning connects deeply to the school curriculum. It offers unique opportunities to learn responsibility, experience satisfaction, and provide benefit to the community as they acquire new skills.

What can you do with SchoolNotes? Check out Heather Ashmore's Life Science Page.

Win at Homework
Hold a homework raffle.

Make Cheating Tougher
Create tests that discourage cheating.
Mystery Cleanup
Who picks up the mystery item?

Ken Shore: Classroom Problem Solver
Hallway Hassles
Behavior problems often occur when students line up and walk through the halls. That is not the time to relax rules or lessen efforts to maintain discipline.

Ms. Powell's Tips for Organizing Your Classroom
Rearrange Your Desk Area
If youre constantly doing laps around the classroom, consider rearranging your workspace.

Classroom Management Article of the Week
The Power of Written Praise
Being roused from a sound sleep by a parent can be a rude awakening. But in one case, it got educator Max Fischer reflecting about the power of written praise to raise student achievement.

From Our Classroom Tips Library
Classroom Management: Good Morning Boys and Girls
Behavior Management: Get Their Attention
Motivating Kids: Change Strategies
Book Report Makeover: Picture Books
Homework Tips: Homework Packets, Tuesday Sheets
Best Idea Ever: Student Teacher Shower
Testing Tips: A Familiar Format

Joe Martin: The Teacher Motivator
Medicate to Educate
When teachers ask for my secret to staying motivated in the classroom, I tell them to "get medicated." But what Im referring to isnt a prescription; its more of a philosophy.

Fred Jones's Tools for Teaching
Incentives Teach Lessons
If students are to give you all the cooperation you need class period after class period, day after day, you must answer one simple question. That question is: "Why should I?"

Eric Baylin's Songs to Brighten a Teacher's Day
Losing It
Teachers are human and we lose our cool sometimes. Occasionally losing it is an understandable response to the incessant demands of the classroom. Perhaps we can lose ourselves in song instead?

Ruth Sidney Charney: The Responsive Classroom
The Three "R"s of Logical Consequences
A logical consequence has two steps: the first stops the misbehavior; the second recalls children to the rules and teaches alternative behaviors.

Meet other members of Education World's Professional Development columnist team.



Wendy Petti's Math Cats
Writing About Math
A variety of writing categories and topics, and suggestions for creating a positive environment for writing about math.

Featured Math Article
Santa Claus and Newton's Laws of Motion
Students decide which of Newton's Three Laws of Motion applies to each of three Santa scenarios.
Measurement Mania
Use the clues to solve the football mysteries.

Boxcar Math
Addition with three addends.

Math Mnemonics
A pint's a pound the world around.

Demonstrate that magnets orient themselves toward the north and south poles.

Teaching Writing as a Process
There are, in the real world, many ways to edit, revise, and organize writing. We help students develop strong writing skills when we not only teach them the steps in the process, but also guide them while they take risks and explore.

Mr. Cover's Class Reviews
Students become product testers and reviewers and publish their findings online.

The New Twelve Days of Christmas
A personal version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
Reporting Live From
You are a newspaper reporter at an historic event

Writing Lessons
"Photograph Math" Word Problems
Students write and illustrate their own math word problems. (Grades K-12)
Combine writing a book report with writing a friendly letter. (Grades K-5)

Reading Feature
Teaching Japanese Poetry Writing
Writing haiku can be a way through which children express their inner souls; a window through which one can see a child's world.

The Strange Case of S.C.
Can S.C. be cured of Hectic Holiday Disorder -- his obsession with the family business?

Cathy Puett Miller
Connecting Reading to Life
No matter where you teach, walking the tightrope of curriculum, standards, and accountability must never lessen the drive to connect content to experience.

Best Books for Teaching About...
Science Experiments

Learn what Total Reader can do for your students.

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