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October 2001

ENC Online

Come to ENC Online for information on more than 19,000 resources for K-12 math and science teachers, ENC Focus magazine, ENC's Digital Dozen of outstanding Web sites, and much more!

The site is appealing, but it is mostly text and more utilitarian than gloss.

From the main page, bullets and large text lead you easily through the site. There is a left-side site index, a site map, and an on-site search tool.

This site contains many resources for math and science education professionals. There are several areas of interest here. The Curriculum Resources section is an endless source of curriculum and lesson products and is not limited to the Internet. Here you will find complete descriptions of printed materials, kits, videotapes, and Internet resources, all found through a powerful and well-organized search tool. Each description includes the author, purchase source, price (but many resources are free), grade level, and an evaluation. URLs are also provided for Internet resources. The Professional Resources area is a comprehensive source of professional development materials to support long-term classroom planning and professional development. The Web Links section, with math and science sites for both teachers and students, features the "Digital Dozen," which highlights 12 interesting math and science Internet sites per month. Also available are online documents regarding published articles, curriculum frameworks, and reform documents to keep you up-to-date on your profession. This site will help you prepare classroom materials and will keep you interested in the latest developments in math and science education. This is a definite bookmark possibility!

Note: Because the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC) is no longer funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the site discontinued operations as of September 29, 2005. ENC materials are now available at -- a subscription service.


Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2001 Education World

Updated 12/22/2005