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December 2002

AAA Math
Strong, simple math site might help kids to earn triple As!
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5, 6-8

This interactive site provides online math exercises with explanations and challenging games as a resource for the classroom or for self-instruction or home schooling.
AAA Math is laid out quite simply, but uses dark backgrounds and lots of color to make the site attractive. The buttons and fields on the interactive pages are very standard-looking, but that is probably an advantage for the younger user.
This user-friendly site groups the exercises by math topic and by grade level. All links are displayed on the main page as a table of contents. There is also a handy index of all exercises which enables the user to jump to a specific lesson and level.
This site provides hundreds of pages of basic math lessons and activities that can be used by students for remediation, by teachers to supplement the curriculum, or by home-schooling parents. More than twenty topics from addition to geometry to ratios to place value are presented for grade levels K-8. Each lesson includes online practice, an explanation, and a challenge game. Students can choose the appropriate grade level and skill to work on at their own pace. One problem at a time is presented with positive reinforcement for correct answers. The timed practice and challenge games are a great way to increase speed, accuracy, and confidence while having fun.

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