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Apple Patent Shows Use of 'Paper Phone' Tech

When a very rough beta version of what industry insiders are calling the "paper phone" emerged last year, people began to wonder exactly how this new, bendable mobile device could be used in a practical way. In a recent filing with the U.S. Patent Office, Apple may be tipping its hand as to how the tech giant envisions using it in future iPhone models.

The patent shows an iPhone with a 360-degree wrap-around display. From NBC's tech department: "Instead of sharp edges, the curved, wraparound design would allow for a wider selection of items on display, so users could hypothetically view 10 apps on their screen instead of, say, 5, and view photos, videos and text on their screen from all 360 degrees around. Plus, going for a wraparound display would abandon physical buttons, so users would be fully reliant on touch gestures to use their device."

While the patent is a long way from a reality, it shows that paper-phone tech is at least on the minds of those who could bring it to the masses.


Turning the Education System Inside-Out...

Ancient Tibetans created a rather unique culture of introspection and self-awareness.

At one point (about the fifteenth century), Tibet created an education system where its people could attend universities for free and devote their time to self-reflection, self-discovery, meditation, and the “inner” or science of the mind.

A critical mass of young people in the society felt part of something meaningful and were provided the guidance and time to develop their inner potential...

Are YOU Ready for Leif Erikkson Day (...


Leif Erikkson Day is October...

Chair Qigong: A Free Tool for Promoting...

It’s no secret that students, especially those in elementary schools, have trouble sitting at a desk or in front of a screen all day.

It’s natural for children to want to move, jump around, burn off some of their extra, seemingly boundless energy. It’s also apparent that children (and adults) are more distracted than ever. We all need tools to help us focus.  

Movement is good—but researchers are finding that movement coupled with mindful intention, for instance, becoming...

The Global Search for Education: What...

After the Pandemic: “We will return to physical workplaces and face-to-face training because it is indispensable."

Classrooms all over the world are looking for better ways to teach team collaboration skills.  Imagine a group of students gathered together, either in person or virtually, to engage...

A Major Weakness in Our Education...

Students can spend 12 years in school (even more) and not know what they’re good at.

While they have hopefully mastered academics such as reading, math, and science, they likely have spent little to no time studying their own natural talents and strengths during that time. This is a major gap in our education system.

There has been a plethora of research on the development of individual strengths and talents and their use in the workplace, mainly by Gallup. The company had...

Hispanic Heritage Month Begins...

National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated each year from September 15-October 15th. It was originally established, in 1969, as Hispanic Heritage Week, by President Lyndon Johnson. In 1988, it became a month long celebration. Some people say we don't really need an Hispanic...
