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Apple Patent Shows Use of 'Paper Phone' Tech

When a very rough beta version of what industry insiders are calling the "paper phone" emerged last year, people began to wonder exactly how this new, bendable mobile device could be used in a practical way. In a recent filing with the U.S. Patent Office, Apple may be tipping its hand as to how the tech giant envisions using it in future iPhone models.

The patent shows an iPhone with a 360-degree wrap-around display. From NBC's tech department: "Instead of sharp edges, the curved, wraparound design would allow for a wider selection of items on display, so users could hypothetically view 10 apps on their screen instead of, say, 5, and view photos, videos and text on their screen from all 360 degrees around. Plus, going for a wraparound display would abandon physical buttons, so users would be fully reliant on touch gestures to use their device."

While the patent is a long way from a reality, it shows that paper-phone tech is at least on the minds of those who could bring it to the masses.


What Kind of Teacher are you? A Great...

What kind of teacher are you?

Would you like to be better at what you do?

As a teacher self-reflection is vital. 

Are you at a point where you want to change or can change?

Do you self-reflect and continually change?

What qualities do you possess that make you the kind of teacher you would want your child to have, or your grandchildren to have? 

As I taught, I would...

Early Childhood Environments: Why Use...

When you walk into an early childhood classroom, what do you expect to see? Teachers, administrators, staff, and educational expects probably expect to see something different than parents, children, or community members. Teachers are usually taught in school what is appropriate and needed to have a warm, welcoming, and appropriate environment for each age level. Therefore, hours of thought are put into how their...

How To Plan Effective, Engaging and...

When I was in college, I heard all about centers and how fun they were. I observed in classrooms where centers were placed throughout the environment. Until I got my own classroom, I never really understood the effect that centers had on a classroom setting. I didn’t truly...

Centers: Why are They Important in the...

When I started teaching, I knew centers were an important part of an early childhood classroom. I knew we learned about them in college, and I had seen them set up in different environments that I had observed. I didn’t fully understand centers and why they were necessary until the second week of school, my very first year...

Should I use Thematic Units in my...

All teachers use different strategies and learning opportunities for their students. We all know that we need to change our ideas and teaching each year, depending on who our students are, what they know, and what they need. We are usually given a set of curricula that either...

Tips For Building Relationships Inside...

Before school starts, it is important that you, as the early childhood professional, teacher/leader, begin building relationships. There are many things you are probably already doing, but this new year, start thinking outside the box on new ways to build relationships not only...

What Families Need and Want

When we looked at the last article, What Children Need and Want from a classroom, it made me think about what families of children need and want from their classroom and the teacher. If you are teaching young children, this could very well be the first time families are leaving their child. Each family is entrusting...

20 Fun Ideas to Partner With Families

We know that today is different than last year at this time. I am going to share with you ideas to partner with families right now during the pandemic but also, when things get back to “normal”, as we know they will, ideas for cultivating that relationship.

Right now, families just need support. Teachers need support also. We all need to work together and be kind and realize we are each doing everything...

Simple Strategies: What Can I do to...

I think that all teachers have amazing and engaging teaching strategies that we use with the students in our classroom. It’s almost like we are born with creativity and ways to help children and reach families. Creativity is a large part of developing engaging teaching strategies. Having the background of how children grow and develop and what their background knowledge is, is also important to know and...

Totally Terrific Transitions

Think about a classroom, any classroom. When you think of this room, what do you see? What do you hear? If it is your own classroom, you know these sights and sounds by heart, but if you are visiting a new classroom, you may have a lot to learn. As children are welcomed into a new classroom, they have procedures, routines, expectations, and transitions to learn. As teachers set up their daily schedules, they...
