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October Bookmark and Bookplate
Encourage a love of books with these October templates.

A Techtorial
Learn the steps for creating a podcast for your K-12 classroom.

Podcasting Sites to See
A baker's dozen resources to help you understand podcasting -- and introduce it to your students.

Upping the Odds on Standardized Tests
Students research test-taking tips and then present the information -- in a variety of fun projects -- to other classes.
(Grades 6-12)

When you ask New Englanders why they live in the northeastern United States -- as opposed to, say, San Diego or Maui or Miami -- the most common response is "Autumn." And truely, it is a glorious season here; one that showcases the very best of this part of the country -- and one that seems to last about two minutes. So if you're a New Englander or a mid-Westerner or an Icelander facing the prospect of another long, long, loooooong winter, I hope you're enjoying Autumn -- and helping your students enjoy it too.
Just drag that laptop out into the yard and bask in the sun while you check out our October Month of Fun calendar, our October 2009 Traceable Calendar, our October Bulletin Boards, and -- if it hasn't started snowing yet -- the glorious October weather.
Speaking of October...September 29 to October 7 is Educator Appreciation Week at Borders. Current and retired educators can save 30 percent on purchases for personal or classroom use. Just bring your shopping list and proof of your educator status.
And have a great week!

One-To-One Computing: Lessons Learned and Pitfalls to Avoid
Find out what the research says about the benefits and limitations of one-to-one computing.

Mr. Mooney's Web Domain
Scott Mooney's Web domain a "must" for students.

Technology Integration Ideas That Work
The Education World Tech Team offers lessons and activities to help educators make better use of technology tools for instruction, and to help students improve their technology skills within the regular curriculum.

Bernie Poole: Reflecting Poole
Create Your Own Web Site
Bernie Poole provides 12 easy-to-read handouts designed to lead you or your students step-by-step through the process of creating a content-rich education-oriented Web site.

Doug Johnson
The Well-Wired Classroom
My first classroom had a chalkboard and I could check out an overhead, filmstrip, or 16mm projector from the library. Compare that to today's "smart" classrooms.

Brenda Dyck: Brenda's Blog
Podcasting Connects Students to New Ways of Learning
Educators like Joselyn Todd are taking advantage of the learning benefits that emerging technologies offer forward thinking teachers, and making a solid instructional path for the rest of us to follow.

From the Science Machine
Use Air Junk to explore the topics of biology, air quality, and health. (Grades 3-8)

Miguel Guhlin:
The IT Crowd

Five Selection Criteria for Visitor Management Systems
Moving from a paper-and-pencil, staff-member-managed visitor check-in system to a comprehensive technology-driven visitor management system can be expensive and challenging, but it is a critical step in protecting students and staff.

Alma Rowe's
Gadget of the Week

Dragnifier allows users to instantly magnify a portion of the computer screen.

Featured (Free) Webinars
Thursday, October 8
2:00pm (EST)
E-Learning's Role When the Flu or Other Emergencies Strike from
Concerns about the H1N1 flu virus causing school closings or significant absences are prompting schools to look at creative ways of ensuring continuity of learning.

Friday, October 9
1:00pm (EST)
Whats New? An In-Depth Look at the Microsoft Office 2007 Interface from KnowledgeWave.
A close look at the new Office Interface -- The Office Button, Ribbons, Quick Access Toolbar, Contextual Tabs and Dialog Box Launchers.

From the Reading Machine
Punctuation Paintball reinforces punctuation and capitalization.
(Grades 1-8)

From the Math Machine
Tangram Game teaches students to recognize and manipulate shapes and for problem solving. (Grades K-6)

Check out this week's site reviews:
Map a Planet
Detailed maps of the planets and moons.

NASA Kid's Club
A virtual playground for learning math, science, and technology.

Start Smart
A guide to managing money for teens from the FDIC.

Explore our Site Review Archives for more great sites. You also can keep up with our latest reviews by signing up for our Site Review Newsletter.

What You Should Know About H1N1
A short video of important information for teachers about the H1N1 virus.

E-Mail With Flair
Tips to help you polish your professional e-mail skills.

What can you do with SchoolNotes? Check out Mrs. Brown's Brainy Bunch.