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Green Energy: Understanding Renewable Resources in Our World

Grade Level: 6-8

Duration: 60 minutes


Students will gain an understanding of renewable energy sources and their importance in sustainability efforts. They will identify different types of renewable energy and their applications in everyday life.

Materials Needed:

  • Visual aids (pictures, diagrams, or short videos) of renewable energy sources

  • Poster paper and markers

  • Handouts with simplified definitions and key terms

  • Worksheets for group activities

  • Computers or tablets with internet access for research (optional)

Lesson Outline:

Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin with a brief discussion on energy sources and their impact on the environment.

Introduce the concept of renewable energy and its significance in reducing pollution and conserving natural resources.

Ask your students if they are familiar with any renewable energy sources and what they know about them.

Types of Renewable Energy (20 minutes):

Present an overview of common renewable energy sources: 

  1. Solar energy 
  2. Wind energy 
  3. Hydropower 
  4. Biomass energy
  5. Use visual aids to explain how each energy source works and provide simple examples.

  6. Emphasize the benefits of renewable energy, such as reducing air pollution and combating climate change.

Activity - Renewable Energy Poster (15 minutes):

  1. Divide students into small groups.

  2. Assign each group one renewable energy source to focus on.

  3. Provide poster paper, markers, and other art supplies.

  4. Instruct your students to create a poster illustrating:

    1. How their assigned energy source works

    2. Examples of where it is used

    3. Benefits to the environment and society

  5. Allow time for groups to work on their posters.

Group Presentations (10 minutes):

  1. Each group presents their poster to the class, explaining their assigned renewable energy source.

  2. Encourage your students to ask questions and provide feedback to their peers.

Discussion and Wrap-up (5 minutes):

  1. Facilitate a brief discussion on the importance of renewable energy and its role in sustainable living.

  2. Recap key points covered in the lesson.

  3. Encourage your students to think about how they can contribute to a greener future.

Extension Activities:

  1. Energy Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt activity where your students search for examples of renewable energy sources in their school or community.

  2. DIY Solar Oven: Guide your students in building simple solar ovens using cardboard boxes and aluminum foil to demonstrate solar energy principles.

  3. Virtual Field Trip: Take a virtual tour of a renewable energy facility or watch educational videos about renewable energy technologies online.

  4. Energy Gallery Walk: Have your students display their Renewable Energy Poster for another class or a science fair to teach others about renewable energy. 


Research Assignment:

Assign your students to research one specific renewable energy source and write a short report summarizing:

  1. How the energy source works.

  2. Advantages and disadvantages of using this energy source.

  3. Real-world examples of where this energy source is being utilized.

  4. Their opinion on the potential of this energy source to meet future energy needs.

Energy Conservation Challenge:

Encourage your students to do an energy check at home and find ways to save energy. Have them list things they can do, like turning off the lights when not in use, unplugging electronics, or adjusting the thermostat. Then, have your students write their ideas and thoughts in a short essay.

Renewable Energy News Article:

Have your students go online and find an article about renewable energy and how it affects the environment or society. They should briefly summarize the article's main points and share their thoughts. Your students can also reflect on how the information in the article connects to what they've learned in class about renewable energy sources and sustainability.

Creative Project:

Encourage your students to come up with a creative project about renewable energy. They can create an infographic or a short video explaining why renewable energy is important and its benefits. Let them unleash their creativity and use their artistic skills to make it eye-catching. This project will help them show their knowledge about renewable energy concepts.

Discussion Prompt:

Provide students with a discussion prompt related to renewable energy, such as:

  • "What challenges and opportunities are associated with transitioning to renewable energy?"

  • "How can individuals and communities adopt renewable energy technologies?"

  • “If you could create a renewable energy source, what would it use and why?”


Students should write a short response to the prompt. Have them reflect on their thoughts and provide examples to support their ideas.

Resources to Use:

Written by Brooke Lektorich
Education World Contributor
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