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Musical Spelling




  • Arts & Humanities


  • K-2
  • 3-5

Brief Description

In a game similar in format to musical chairs, students write selected spelling words until music stops playing.



  • write spelling words to improve recall.
  • exercise listening skills.
  • show good sportsmanship.


game, spelling, music

Materials Needed

  • chalkboard and chalk
  • paper and pencil for each student
  • appropriate musical selection and player
  • small incentives to give as rewards (for example, stickers), if desired

Lesson Plan

While repeatedly writing spelling words is a good way to strengthen recall, it can be a bit dull for students. In this exercise, music adds an aspect of fun to this activity.

Students will need paper and pencils for this game. On the chalkboard, write a word from a weekly spelling list or from a group of tricky spelling words that should be memorized. Start the music, and have the students write the word correctly as many times as they can before the music stops.

At an appropriate time, stop the music. The students must stop writing and put their pencils down. Ask them to count the number of times they have written the word with the correct spelling. Give the student who has the most correct words a small incentive, if desired. If more than one student has the highest number, you may choose the page with the neatest handwriting. Erase the word and add a new one to the board. Start the music!


Collect the students' work and examine for correct spelling and legibility.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Cara Bafile

National Standards

NL-ENG.K-12.6 Applying Knowledge

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