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Birdie Bucks
Boost Behavior


Jen McCalley of Portland, Oregon, has a terrific way to help the children in her class earn rewards. A self-proclaimed "parrot-raising bird fanatic," she has created "Birdie Bucks" for students to collect and spend in her classroom store. The Birdie Buck system -- with its instant rewards and high student interest -- rewards students who do not typically have behavior problems and is an easy incentive program for those who do.

Students receive a $1 Birdie Buck each day for following directions, having no time-outs, and trying their hardest. They receive another for doing their homework and turning it in on time. On Fridays, students can buy items from the Birdie Store. The Birdie Store sells items from three plastic containers: a cheap box (items costing fewer than 5 Birdie Bucks), a medium box (6-20 Birdie Bucks), and an expensive box (20-100 Birdie Bucks).

McCalley suggests changing the color of the Birdie Bucks each year so siblings and friends don't pass them on.

Source: Jen McCalley
