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From the Math Machine
Logic Zoo teaches about sorting, math attributes, and problem solving. (Grades 2-5)

From the Science Machine
Students can use Tongue Map to explore the sense of taste. (Grades 4-8)

From the Reading Machine
Anagram Sleuth reinforces anagrams and comprehension. (Grades 4-8)

Remember To Catch a Predator -- the Dateline NBC reality show that dragged purported pedophiles out of the woodwork (or the Web-world) and exposed them to the television-watching world through hidden camera confrontations at what the predators thought were going to be assignations with willing Lolitas? Whatever happened to that show?
Have the predators all been prosecuted? Have our young people become invulnerable? Or have we simply abandoned sensationalism for realistic and sensible cyber-education in our schools and in our homes?
Read more.

Race Turns Kids Brains to Mushing
Iditarod Teacher on the Trail Herb Brambley connects kids with the excitement of the Alaskan race.

Classroom Management Made Easy
Fred Jones is a national expert in classoom management and author of Tools for Teaching. He shares his thoughts about the difficulties teachers face in classrooms today.

St. Patrick's Day
Ashley Ross's first graders design traps for elusive leprechauns.

Strategy of the Week
Shared Reading
Many teachers use shared-reading -- an approach to teaching reading that engages students and makes them better readers.

Ask Dr. Shore...
About Encouraging Reading
My husband and I are avid readers. What can we do to encourage our children to enjoy reading too?

Ms. Powell's Tips for Organizing Your Classroom
Organize Reading Materials By Story
Invest in enough 3-drawer organizers to have one drawer for each story in your reading series.

Classroom Management Article of the Week
Middle School Combats Teasing
A group of students and teachers at a Massachusetts middle school used seminars and discussions to encourage tolerance and reduce bullying.

From Our Classroom Tips Library
Classroom Management: Group Rewards
Behavior Management: Quick Quizzes, Classroom Coupons
Motivating Kids: Publish Their Work Online
Book Report Makeover: Now You're Cooking
Homework Tips: H-O-M-E-W-O-R-K Spells Fun
Best Idea Ever: The Daily News
Testing Tips: Rubric Aid
EdTech Tips: Excel-lent Tips

Emma McDonald: The New Teacher Advisor
Myths and Truths of the Job Hunt
Searching for a job can be a nerve-wracking experience. Take a few minutes to consider a few myths, truths, and tips for job hunting that might prove to be helpful.

Fred Jones's Tools for Teaching
Excellence on a Shoestring
Keeping our program alive and well in the face of budget cuts requires training that can be done on a shoestring, and support and follow-through that costs nothing.

Leah Davies: The Teacher Counselor
Games for Elementary Classrooms
Many educators understand the value of using games to help children reenergize and focus on learning, as well as to reward them for hard work. Included: Eight popular games.

Meet other members of Education World's Professional Development columnist team.


Math Cats
Picturing Mental Math
Help students develop a mental math tool bag.

Featured Article
Make Puzzles Part of Your Game Plan
Find sites that offer puzzles, riddles, word games, and more. Then find tips for integrating them into the curriculum.

Boxcar Math
Slide Over
Subtracting 3-digit numbers .

Math Mnemonics
What is an isosceles triangle?

Track Star
A demonstration of how prisms change the direction of light.

Strategies for Teaching Pre-Writing
Good writing doesn't start with formulas and formats. Thinking, defining what the writer wants to say, planning, and exploring -- that is where it begins.

A+ Ideas for Creative Writing.
Susan Schweiker has a unique approach to building creative, confident writers: She promises all her students A's.

Stamp of a Woman
Nominate a woman to be honored on a new stamp. (Grades 6-12)

Hog Dog Writing
A hot dog is a metaphor for good student writing. (Grades 3-8)

Writing Bugs
Bad Manners
Imagine you live in a world where everybody has bad manners
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Choose a weird headline; be a news reporter.

The Wise Rabbit vs. the Greedy Lion
Long ago, a greedy lion hunted more animals than he really needed -- until wise Old Rabbit taught him a lesson.

Reading Feature
The Reading Ready Classroom
If you want to instill in your students an awareness of the importance of reading, your classroom must provide an environment in which reading is clearly valued.

Cathy Puett Miller
The Key to Effective Read Alouds
Id like to suggest that teachers create a read-aloud environment thats a combination of enticing entertainment, skillful modeling of comprehension and thinking strategies, and just plan fun.

Best Books for Teaching About...

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